ok so while thinking when i was playing my favorate game...bleach wwa i came apon a few good game ideas
#1: second release for arrancars. this one has been called alot but lemme explain how it should work. i think it should work like vizards but with more req. first req: level 700. second req: only a 22% chance of getting it 3rd req: have to have preveusly been a espada or are one and 4th req: have to fight and beat a copy of your released self.
#2: new and imporved grand rey cero. ok for this one i think it should be release based. becouse a grc- grand rey cero is a cero mixed with the arrancars blood. so for this one i think it should be like new ceros for each release.
#3: unahana op and bankai issues. we all had this one...unahanas ram bankai is op... well i have a good idea about this one. #1 dont nerf the damage but nerf the attacking speed...why? becouse if you nerf the attacking speed it wont be like 3 rams a sec it should only be like 1 or 1 every two seconds and #2: unahanas bankai is not the manta its actully some weard liiking dark thingy-lol. add that to the game to.
#4: explosions!!!! this one i really dont have a way they can do this but add it to the game!!! becouse when i do ceros and stuff i hate to see that it just disspeers. i dont mean like so-fongs bankai explosion but more of like a rai explosion like how ulq did on ichigo with his lance.
#5: tile system. well this one should be pretty danm hard to do.. but if you awsome admins can pull this one off you guys will have the best game out there...so basically what im saying is to find a way to like remove the tiling. what i mean by that is like when you shoot a cero or kido at a angle it dosent look all tiled up in a crooket line thingy.-you know what i mean-. so find a way you can like make it go straight in and angle.
#1: second release for arrancars. this one has been called alot but lemme explain how it should work. i think it should work like vizards but with more req. first req: level 700. second req: only a 22% chance of getting it 3rd req: have to have preveusly been a espada or are one and 4th req: have to fight and beat a copy of your released self.
#2: new and imporved grand rey cero. ok for this one i think it should be release based. becouse a grc- grand rey cero is a cero mixed with the arrancars blood. so for this one i think it should be like new ceros for each release.
#3: unahana op and bankai issues. we all had this one...unahanas ram bankai is op... well i have a good idea about this one. #1 dont nerf the damage but nerf the attacking speed...why? becouse if you nerf the attacking speed it wont be like 3 rams a sec it should only be like 1 or 1 every two seconds and #2: unahanas bankai is not the manta its actully some weard liiking dark thingy-lol. add that to the game to.
#4: explosions!!!! this one i really dont have a way they can do this but add it to the game!!! becouse when i do ceros and stuff i hate to see that it just disspeers. i dont mean like so-fongs bankai explosion but more of like a rai explosion like how ulq did on ichigo with his lance.
#5: tile system. well this one should be pretty danm hard to do.. but if you awsome admins can pull this one off you guys will have the best game out there...so basically what im saying is to find a way to like remove the tiling. what i mean by that is like when you shoot a cero or kido at a angle it dosent look all tiled up in a crooket line thingy.-you know what i mean-. so find a way you can like make it go straight in and angle.