Skill Name: La brazo Stampede
Skill Description and effects: The Sado raises his arm up and rushes at his opponents in an accelerated speed A.K.A Berserk
from kenpachi but faster!!!, dealing ram damage for 10 seconds.
Skill Icon if it requires one: base with sado arms rushing another base
What race the skill is available to: Sado
Requirements to get the skill: *Replace it with bum rush*
Damage of the skill: Deals the sados current amount of damage as absolute damage each ram hit for 10 seconds, *ignores defense and cannot be weakened/changed by passives/combos/buffs ect*
Size and how far the skill should go: As far as the sado can chase their target/s for.
Cool down of the skill: 12 seconds
How to get the skill: Learned by reaching 250 with 2nd arm as a sado.
Skill Description and effects: The Sado raises his arm up and rushes at his opponents in an accelerated speed A.K.A Berserk
from kenpachi but faster!!!, dealing ram damage for 10 seconds.
Skill Icon if it requires one: base with sado arms rushing another base
What race the skill is available to: Sado
Requirements to get the skill: *Replace it with bum rush*
Damage of the skill: Deals the sados current amount of damage as absolute damage each ram hit for 10 seconds, *ignores defense and cannot be weakened/changed by passives/combos/buffs ect*
Size and how far the skill should go: As far as the sado can chase their target/s for.
Cool down of the skill: 12 seconds
How to get the skill: Learned by reaching 250 with 2nd arm as a sado.