Critical172 Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:57 am
tbh these icons aren't top notch, if you want to be iconner I would suggest that you shade in the icons. Don't use black outlines like you did for the last icon, use a dark red to outline the wings. It looks pitch-black so I would also suggest using (5,5,5), (20,20,20), (35,35,35), and (52,52,52) for your colors. That spider icon looks like you did one direction and just flipped it to fit the other sides. The only sides you should ever flip are the WEST and EAST. The spider icon also needs a dark gray (50,50,50) outline with some shade. The first icon that you did isn't supposed to have a black outline, and I see that you changed it. And nothing ever needs a (0,0,0) outline. If it's black use a (1,1,1) trust me. That menos would look good in another Bleach game, not wwa because it's too small, but it looks decent, just add another shade to the spike below its neck. If you follow those advice, you'll be a good iconner.