Passive: Hakuda Expert:
When you fight using fists there is a damage 10% increase
For Each level gets 4% more
Available for: All
Icon: Could be Flash Smash or Flash Attack Icon
Passive: Kidou Expert:
When using kido rei cost is lowered by 25% and Damage is increased by 10%
For each level of passive it gets 4% more
Available For: Captains
Icon: Kido 90 Icon
When you fight using fists there is a damage 10% increase
For Each level gets 4% more
Available for: All
Icon: Could be Flash Smash or Flash Attack Icon
Passive: Kidou Expert:
When using kido rei cost is lowered by 25% and Damage is increased by 10%
For each level of passive it gets 4% more
Available For: Captains
Icon: Kido 90 Icon